
The main objectives of the PROMUVAL project are:

  • To identifiy and collect state of the art information on existing mathematical models and computational methods at European and worldwide levels for analysis of multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics. The following multidisciplinary fields will be addressed: 1) aeroelasticity, 2) thermal flows, 3) acoustics, 4) combustion and 5) fluid-atmospheric environment with particular emphasis on turbulent flows.

  • To collect state of the art information on test case problems and experimental data available for validation of computational methods for analysis of multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics.

  • To identify critical future RTD areas for analysis of multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics using innovative computational methods and experimental tests.

  • To disseminate numerical and experimental data collected at European level.

  • Specification of a pilot software platform for analysis of multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics.

  • To define a strategy for analysis of multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics.

  • To identify, specify and disseminate guidelines for validation of mathematical methods and/or numerical/ experimental techniques for multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics.

  • A specific Web-based Communication System will be developed. This environment will include the necessary facilities for compiling and disseminating multidisciplinary analysis and test data in numerical and graphic form. The PROMUVAL Communication System will also be a day-to-day communication tool between the partners for exchanging all kind of information related to the project.


    The new Qtepack system will integrate the following modules:

    The first step in the multidisciplinary code validation methodology is to survey the state of the art of Navier-Stokes code validation and to decide if green light can be given to existing validation data or if some consolidation activities are necessary. The existing best candidates among experimental multidisciplinary test cases will be reviewed in the project and an agreement will be reached upon mandatory complementary measurements which should be undertaken for a rigorous validation purpose.

    If the required complementary measurements are not possible because of unavailability of models or wind tunnels, new dedicated experiments and diagnostics will be proposed. A filter for screening available experiments will be applied. Namely, considering the state of the art of Navier-Stokes codes, if experimental results involve flow physics which are not yet modelled in the scientific community, these experimental test cases should be dismissed (influence of transitional bubble on maximum lift for instance,...) and new experiments involving flow physics which can be addressed by existing RANS codes will be suggested.

    Part of the prospective effort will be dedicated to unsteady flows and to the problem of data assimilation for Direct Numerical Simulations, Large Eddy Simulations, Detached Eddy Simulations, Very Large Eddy Simulations, or Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations. The available experiments for the validation of Buffet and Flutter numerical simulations for instance will be carefully reviewed and an extensive use of modem diagnostics techniques recommended.

    Work will include the collection and storage in databases of computational/experimental data to use as a reference for PROMUVALidation. The final goal being the critical evaluation of the different existing numerical and experimental methods, and numerical/experimental data through Data Quality Assessment activities.

    The project partners will identify and store into the database incorporated into the PROMUVAL Communication System the different mathematical formulations and computational/ experimental approaches for solving in confidence multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics. Work will be also invested in the compilation and storage of data from experimental tests, to be used as a reference for validating the methods and the software for multidisciplinary applications in aeronautics.

    The collective work of the partners will allow to store within the PROMUVAL Communication System data on multidisciplinary problems such as aero-elasticity, aero-acoustics, vibro-acoustics, fluid/heat transfer combustion and fluid-atmospheric interactions (pollution flows) at flow conditions ranging from subsonic to supersonic Mach numbers, among others.

    Emphasis will be put in identifying multidisciplinary areas and data fitting with the objectives of "safer, cleaner and quieter" aircrafts as posed by the 2002 Agenda.

    State of the art mathematical models, numerical and experimental methods, simulation results and experimental tests will be identified for each of the multidisciplinary areas as well as critical future trends in each field.

    The main outcomes of the PROMUVAL project will be:
  • Collection and dissemination of existing data on physical and mathematical models, experimental and numerical methods and test cases using existing database tools and a web-based communication system.

  • Identification of critical RTD areas in multidisciplinary analysis and validation.

  • Specification of a future pilot software platform for multidisciplinary analysis in aeronautics.

  • This outcomes of PROMUVAL will contribute to the engagement of industry to reduce noise, damaging emissions and to increase safety by monitoring automated systems to react immediately to hazards.

    A better level of understanding of coupled Physics, Modelling European and Numerics for affordable multidisciplinary validation will help undoubtedly and significantly the task of aerospace industry in producing the competitive products needed in the first two decades of the 21st century.

    The information on models, numerical methods and experimental tests data combines many scientific and technological issues and here contributions from the industries partners will be essential. Dissemination of the PROMUVAL data among the scientific/industrial communities will be a task lead by the ERCOFTAC association with support from the rest of the project partners.

    The access to new and more powerful computational methods and experimental data will increase the job opportunities among skilled engineers. A training programs will be needed to introduce engineers into the new multidisciplinary tools, which invariably will lead to the creation of new jobs.

    The information compiled in the project will be a unique source of knowledge on the existing and prospective mathematical, computational and experimental technology for solving multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics. This information will be useful for all the European industries in the aeronautics sector, as well as for European RTD organizations and universities as a reference for current practice and for defining new RTD lines for the future.