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Hydrodynamic + Sediment Transportation

   Second 6-Month Meeting

October 2nd - 4th, 2007, Bleckede, Germany

The Biosphere Reserve of Elbe Riverlands in Lower Saxony (Biosphärenreservatsverwaltung Niedersächsische Elbtalaue) served as host of the second 6-month meeting on the town of Bleckede, next to the area of influence of the Elbe River. The meeting took place in the ElbSchloss-Bleckede visitor center.

The activities of the second reporting period, the results obtained at the end of this period, and the administrative issues were revised by the members of the project on the first day of the meeting.

Johannes Prüter, Director of the Biosphere Reserve of Elbe Riverlands in Lower Saxony (ABRE) offered a field trip to the shores of the river and explained some of the main problems of the area caused by regular floods and remarked the importance to assess the evolution of the biosphere in order to assure the conservation of this unique natural asset.

Frank Krüger, specialist in soil forming mechanisms from the University of Lüneburg, gave an explanation "in-situ" of one the areas of study about soil pollution and sedimentation in floodplains and about the strategies to measure pollutants like heavy metals or chlorinated organic compounds (e.g. dioxins).

On the last day of the meeting the European Commission Project Officer reviewed the progress achieved during the first year of the project, and discussed the work plan to be followed in the subsequent 6 months.

To download the full agenda of the second 6-month meeting click here

For a detailed description and the minutes of the 2nd 6-month meeting, please go to the following link and introduce your username and password (members only).