job offer

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CIMNE offers four Primera experiència vacancies for young unemployed people
Thanks to the call for Primera Experiència Professional en les Administracions Públiques (First Experiences in Public Administrations), we are announcing 4 new vacancies at CIMNE. These contracts are subsidised by the Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC) and financed with fu...

CIMNE launches its largest call for PhD positions
On March 26th, CIMNE has published the largest call for PhD positions of its history. More than 20 offers to start a PhD in many fields of engineering from the different research groups of the centre has been launched. Funded by CIMNE, this call is a good opportunity for the centre to attract tale...

Severo Ochoa PhD and Postdoc positions at CIMNE
CIMNE has launched the second call for recruitment of PhD and Postdoc candidates under the Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence program funded by the Spanish Government. The call is open for candidates at different stages of their research careers: PhD students, Posdoc trainees and Postdoc researcher...

VAC-2018-45 – Projecte GNLBlockchain
Hiring resolution Número de places: 1 Categoria: Research Engineer- RENG 4 Localitat i centre de treball: CIMNE Barcelona Remuneració bruta anual: 25.000€ Jornada laboral: Completa (40 hores setmanals) Tipus de contracte: Temporal. Duració...

VAC-2018-46 – Projecte AXA
Hiring resolution Número de places: 1 Categoria: PhD Student – PhD 2 Localitat i centre de treball: CIMNE Barcelona Remuneració bruta anual: 12.500€ Jornada laboral: Parcial (25 hores setmanals) Tipus de contracte: Temporal Duració...

VAC-2018-47 – Projecte METAMAT
Hiring resolution Número de places: 1 Categoria: Research Engineer 3 – RENG 3 Localitat i centre de treball: CIMNE Barcelona Remuneració bruta anual: 16.000 € Jornada laboral: parcial (20 h setmanals), amb possibilitats d’augmentar a jornada complet...

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