Arnau Fabra obtains his PhD in structural analysis
In mid-October, CIMNE researcher Arnau Fabra defended his doctoral thesis entitled Modeling of the mixed form of wave problems with correcting terms based on training artificial neural networks: Application to acoustic black holes.
Professors Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges, from the Fluid Mechanics g...
[Interview] Carlos Moreira obtains a Juan de la Cierva Grant
Carlos Moreira is a CIMNE researcher from Brazil. He holds a Master of Science in Structural Engineering with a focus on the development of nonlinear behaviour of cable-stayed bridges (2014) from the University of São Paulo and a PhD in Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Catal...
Call for applications - ERC Consolidator Grants
We look forward to receiving your proposal and collaborating with you in this exciting research opportunity. We are looking for researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD.
The ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Inv...