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Fatigue4Light H2020: synergy actions
Recently, Fatigue4Light project has started different cooperation and collaboration activities with projects working on the development of solutions to promote a more sustainable and greener mobility and Electric Vehicles construction, based on eco-design and circular economy values, in or...

Professor Eugenio Oñate has been awarded the Honorary Doctorate in Sciences from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Ceremony for presenting Professor Eugenio Oñate with a diploma and the mantle of the Honorary Doctor in Sciences of SPbPU On November 17th, 2021, the Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) presented the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Honoris Causa) to Eugenio...

Buildair carries out an intense international activity
Buildair, a spin-off of CIMNE, has recently carried out an intense international activity, which has resulted in participation in purchasing seminars, closing agreements and sponsorship of virtual events. Denmark: Copenhague United Nations Procurement Seminar 2021 Buildair has parti...

CIMNE hosts the 3rd Chinese-European Workshop on International Cooperation on Aviation Research
Last June 26, CIMNE hosted the 3rd Chinese-European Workshop on International Cooperation on Aviation Research where the ICARE Consortium –of which CIMNE is a member– met with its Chinese counterpart, the INNOVATE Consortium. This workshop is a follow-up of the previous one hosted by CAE...

Spanish Minister of Development supports the Nereidas project at TEN-T Days 2016
The yearly appointment on EU Infrastructure Policy, TEN-T Days, took place in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) from the 20th to the 22nd of June. It was promoted by the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission. At the TEN-T Days conference, key stakeholders, na...

'El Periódico' publishes CIMNE research to prevent tsunamis
On the occasion of the eleventh anniversary of marine earthquake that struck the coasts of Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand in 2004 and coined the term tsunami, El Periódico has dedicated an article to the research on the prevention of this kind of natural disasters. The ...

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