Personal Data


+34 93 401 79 18




Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona, Edifici NT1

C / Escar 6-8. 08039 Barcelona. Despatx 006


C/Gran Capità, s/n Campus Nord UPC, Edificio C1

08034, Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Professional Profile

RTD Group

Composites and Advanced Materials for Multifunctional Structures

Position in CIMNE

Associate Research Professor

Scopus ID




Researcher ID


CV Civil Engineer by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, 2004) and PhD in Structural Analysis (UPC, 2008). Professor at UPC, at the Barcelona School of Nautical Studies, since 2009 and researcher at CIMNE since 2004. Has held a post-doctoral position at West Virginia University (USA) in the period 2008-2009.Member of the Entrepreneurial Council of UPC. Member of the Spanish Association of Composite Materials (AEMAC) bureau and co-editor of the journal published by AEMAC, “Materiales Compuestos”. Research focus is on numerical methods, continuum mechanics, constitutive models for material prediction, failure and fatigue failure analysis, composite materials and multiscale procedures for material characterization. These different research topics are applied to all engineering fields, specially to civil engineering, aeronautics and naval engineering. He has participated in 16 national and international competitive projects and in 7 non-competitive projects with industry. Of those, he is currently working in two European projects, Fibregy and Fibre4yards, being the coordinator of this last one. Fibregy ( is working on the best approach to include composite in offshore energy structures (such wind mills and tidal turbines), and Fibre4yards ( is developing new technologies to improve the automatization of shipyards building composite ships, as well as defining what should be a shipyard 4.0. He has 27 publications in referred journals, most of them in Q1, 4 publications in other journals, 8 books and book chapters, and has participated in more than 50 national and international conferences. According to Scopus, he has a H factor of 13. He has also one Spanish patent: “System to store oil and other oil-derivate products and oil-tanker provided with such system”.