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CV He is a full professor at Dept of Civil and Environmental Engng at UPC. His research in 2013-18 combined topics related to biophysical process conceptualization and modeling in soils and aquifers, risk assessment, managed aquifer recharge under uncertainty and climate driven stresses, fate of emerging compounds in water bodies and CO2 sequestration, with emphasis in model conceptualization, as well as developing new numerical solutions to solve complex interdisciplinary problems in environmental engn. His research was supported by an Icrea Academia Award. As for January 15th 2019, he has published 116 JCR papers (39 papers since 2013) mostly in fields such as water resources management, environmental engineering and comput. physics. He has an h_index = 30 and 2960 citations (Scopus). He is Editor of Water Resources Research (IF 4.36 in 2017). From 201115, he was chair of the Committee on Groundwater Hydraulics and Management of the International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research. In 2014 he was one of the top evaluators for the Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Universit e della Ricerca de Italia, aiming at ranking researchers in Italian universities. He has received numerous fellowships and awards, the most recent ones being the Arthur Ippen Award (2011) awarded by the Int. Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research and ICREA Academia (2012) distinction for excellence in research. He has supervised 17 PhDs (12 completed), 6 of them since 2012 and hosted 6 postdocs. He has been visiting professor in different international institutions: Politecnico di Milano, Dipt. Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (2015 and 2011), Univ. of California: San Diego, Dpt. Of Mechanical and Aerospace Eng (2008), and Berkeley, Dept of Geotechnical Engineering (2000-01).