

Published: 10/09/2019

Latest version: SpreadDEM v2.3.2

Previous version: SpreadDEM v2.3.1

Example cases:
  • TwinSpreader01: Twin disc spreader with rotating parts (inlet of particles directly over the disc).
  • TwinSpreader02: Twin disc spreader with rigid parts (inlet of particles over the fixed parts).
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What is new...

From v2.3.1 to v2.3.2 (04-03-2022):
  • Fixed bug when mirroring the results on the transverse distribution graph.
  • Transverse distribution exported data now prints the density in kg/ha as well as the index of irregularity.
  • Improved the format data of exported radial and polar distrubitions.
  • Fixed bug in h5 data file that sometimes affected the dosing rate.
  • Number of threads by default set to maximum minus one.

From v2.3 to v2.3.1 (06-07-2021):
  • Fixed bug with the initial license check.

From v2.2.3 to v2.3 (27-02-2021):
  • Dose of fertilizer calculated in the postprocess is now more accurate since it no longer depends on particle flying time.
  • Fixed bug on ballistic times that could cause a slight miscalculation on the fertiliser amount registered in the data file.
  • Several coding improvements to make it slightly faster.
  • Added the option of computing particle collisions in all the domain instead of only on spreader (not advisable, as it increases considerably the computation time).
  • Fixed bug with the move check option in Step 1. Now it hides the moving entries when this option is unchecked.
  • Added a warning message when moving an object in Step 1, if the selected node does not belong to the target object.
  • Fixed bug when moving an imported inlet with the “densified flow” option activated.
  • Inlet wall redimensioning, when “densified flow” option is activated. Now it only depends on the mesh size rather than the inlet size.
  • Contextual help messages updated according to the latest changes.
  • Enhanced backwards compatibility.

 v2.2.2 to v2.2.3 (25-10-2020):
  • Radius and impact velocity of the particles flying out of the domain of the bounding box are now printed in the postprocess.
  • Fixed bug when importing STL files with the extension in capital letters.
  • Added the option of stopping the simulation for a specific column width (transverse distribution graph), when statistical convergence criterion has been selected.
  • Grid parallelization option disabled.

From v2.2.1 to v2.2.2 (30-10-2019):
  • Main window resized.
  • 'Save image' and 'Save data' buttons repositioned on 'Spread pattern' and 'Coefficient of variation' windows.
  • 'Measure distance' tool now gives the vector.
From v2.2.0 to v2.2.1 (10-09-2019):
  • Shaped inlet can be now imported as a .dxf file.
  • Customized inlet shape has been added to 'Examples > Geometries' folder.
  • Fixed bug when moving imported inlets.
  • Added secure code for project names.
From v2.1.0 to v2.2.0 (02-04-2019):
  • Angular and radial distributions available in 'Static spread pattern' window (Step 6).
  • Mirrored results can be enabled and disabled in postprocess, as well as the distance between discs (Step 6).
  • Maximum number of processors automatically detected in Step 5.
  • Normals check on inlets to prevent possible importing errors (inlet should be a planar surface).
From v2.0.2 to v2.1.0 (16-07-2018):
  • Shaped inlets can be imported from a .stl file.
  • Densified flow option added for inlets, so that the behaviour of the flow of particles is closer to the real hopper discharge (experimental).
  • Spread pattern data can be exported in usable format (.json, .xls, .txt).
  • Layers rendering options available on the left menu. Now the user can choose the colour, hide layers and change their transparency, both in pre and postprocess.
  • When 'mirrored results' option is selected in preprocess, the contribution of a single disc can be also generated in Sstep 6.
  • 'Process info' button added in Step 5 to show more details about the simulation process.
From v2.0.1 to v2.0.2 (23-04-2018):
  • Warning message informing that the inlet of particles is not capable of generating the specified mass flow is integrated in Step 5 window instead of in a pop-up window (sometimes this window was pushed into the background and the simulation progress was not updated until you pressed OK).
  • Now, the Y-Axis of the transverse distribution graph represents the proportion of the mean density.
From v2.0.0 to v2.0.1 (10-04-2018):
  • Fixed bug on the information of a running case displayed in Step 6. The spread pattern is now available at a much earlier stage of the simulation.
From v1.5.4 to v2.0.0 (28-03-2018):
  • Important simulation time reduction.
  • Frequency of the results load option added in postprocess results window (Step 6).
  • Project file size reduction: just first four turns of the disc results saved in high definition.
  • Added as 'End time criterion' the total disc turns and the inlet stop time in calculation settings window (Step 5).
  • Fixed bug on the inlet radius entry (Step 3: Inlet) and particle radius size factor entry (Step 6: Results). Sometimes they entered into a loop.
  • Limit axes can be modified in spread pattern graph in 'Static spread pattern' window (Step 6).
From v1.5.3 to v1.5.4 (25-01-2018):
  • Impact results option added in calculation settings window (Step 5). Activating this option increases considerably the computation time.
  • Input variables summary can be saved as a .txt or .csv file in calculation settings window (Step 6).
From v1.5.2 to v1.5.3 (23-01-2018):
  • Project file size reduction: just first eight turn of the disc results saved in high definition.
  • Animation speed option added in postprocess results window (Step 6).
From v1.5.1 to v1.5.2 (18-01-2018):
  • Fixed bug on the calculation of the automatic time step when the angular velocity of the disc is negative and is way above than 800 rpm (default value).
  • Examples of calculated cases uploaded on the website and deleted on the installation package.
From v1.5.0 to v1.5.1 (10-01-2018):
  • Fixed bug when ocasionally isolated particles reached the ground well before the rest of the particles.
From v1.4.0 to v1.5.0 (09-01-2018):
  • Migration to GiD 13.0.3 pre and postprocessor.
  • New example case integrating rigid parts.
  • Update of results (coefficient of variation or dynamic spread pattern) in background window if any variable is changed (speed, working width, overlapping configuration) in foreground window.
  • Deleted the duplicated message box asking to save the project when finish button is pressed.
  • Warning message requesting confirmation to cancel the running process. 
From v1.3.0 to v1.4.0 (19-12-2017):
  • Fixed bug in inlet velocity vector and rotation axis when deleting inlet or discs geometry repeatedly (just when working in model units different from meters).
  • Saving transverse distribution graphs now takes into account the width of the bins.
  • New 'Capture settings' option in the side menu, allowing the assignment of some properties of the snapshots (size, transparency, background colour, etc.).
  • New 'Print snapshot' option in the side menu.
  • Background colour option added in postprocess results window (Step 6), also applied when recording animations. White and dark backgrounds are allowed.
  • Background colour option added in preprocess, included in 'Capture settings' new feature. White and default coloured backgrounds are allowed.
  • Updated automatic spinbox intervals when changing units.
From v1.2.0 to v1.3.0 (13-12-2017):
  • Fixed bugs in rendering options and background colours.
  • Improvements in generating inlets of particles over an existing disc.
  • Improvements in the calculation of the automatic time step.
  • Improvements in the processing of data for transverse distribution diagram.
  • Warning dialog box when entering identical coordinates for the initial and final node defining the rotation axis.
From v1.1.0 to v1.2.0 (05-12-2017):
  • Fixed error with the motion of rotating bodies when working in model units different from meters.

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