
Prof. Antonio Gens awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa by the UTCB (Bucharest)

Published: 14/01/2020

Professor Antonio Gens has been awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa by the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB). The award ceremony (some pictures below) was held on December 10th, 2019.

In the citation, the Senate of the University highlights his "remarcable contributions to the development of the domains of geotechnical and foundation engineering and enviromental geotechnics". The Honoris Causa is a "recognition of the manner of joining the theory with the practice by direct and responsible participation to accomplishment of a large number of projects in geotechnical conditions of special complexity".

The University traces back its foundation to 1864 when it was created as “School of Bridges and Roads”.

Antonio Gens during the ceremony

Antonio Gens during the ceremony
From left to right: Prof. Alexandru Dimache (Decan F. Hidrotehnică), Radu Sarghiuta (Prorector UTCB), Johan Neuner (President of the UTCB Senate), Prof. Antonio Gens (Full Research Professor UPC/CIMNE), Radu Sorin Vacareanu (Rector UTCB)