
Four CIMNE scientists lead a ranking of highly cited researchers in Mathematics

Published: 20/04/2023

The Group for the Dissemination of the H-Index in Spain [indice_h (] has released their annual list of highly cited scientists in Spain in several fields.


Among these, the following four CIMNE scientists lead the first positions in the ranking of Mathematics-Interdisciplinary Applications.

indice_h MATEMATICAS (

  • Eugenio Oñate, h-index=55
  • Ramon Codina, h-index=42
  • Antonio Huerta, h-index=39
  • Sergio Idelsohn, h-index=38

The ranking is based on the public information of the values of the h-index as reported by the prestigious ISI Web of Science. This platform of the company Clarivate Analytics is formed by a wide collection of bibliographic databases citations and references of scientific publications of any discipline of knowledge, in science, technology, social sciences, arts and humanities.  In addition to providing bibliographic information, it allows to evaluate, analyse the performance and scientific quality of the research carried out by scientists.

About the h-index

The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and impact of citations of publications of an individual scientist or scholar. Proposed by Jorge Hirsch, from the University of California, it measures the professional quality of scientists, based on the number of citations their scientific articles have received. A scientist or researcher has an h-index if he or she has published h papers with at least h citations each.