
AIAC signs an agreement with SAPAL (Mexico)

Published: 24/05/2023

The International Association of CIMNE Classrooms (AIAC) has signed a collaboration agreement with the Leon Drinking Water and Sewerage System (SAPAL). The company, which offers drinking water, sanitation and use of treated water services to the municipality of Leon (Mexico), will share areas of research, teaching and technological development in numerical methods in engineering with the AIAC. The agreement lasts for four years.

Enrique De Haro, General Director of SAPAL, explained that continuous improvement of the company has been achieved through the learning of national and international practices by its staff.


"Now that we will team up with the International Association of CIMNE Classrooms, we know that our activities will be strengthened and we will open our outlook to more response and care options," said the director of SAPAL.