Registration to the XX edition of the Jacques-Louis Lions (JLL) Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulations in Physics & Engineering is open. The series of Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French School are an initiative of SEMA and SMAI. ECCOMAS is taking this edition as a pilot test to initiate a series of ECCOMAS Schools, jointly organised by different member associations. CIMNE Summer School joints this iniative in this edition, with an active participation of the research centre in the organization and promotion of the training.
The CIMNE Summer School / JLL School will take place from July 3rd to July 7th, 2023 in Barcelona (Spain), hosted by the Laboratori de Càlcul Numèric (LaCàN) at Technical University of Catalona (UPC · BarcelonaTech) and the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
This edition is devoted to the challenge of “Mathematical and Computational Modelling Across the Scales”, pertaining to physical problems involving micro-, meso-, macro- and multi-scale phenomena. The thematic focus is broad, encompassing contributions on modelling and numerical methods, for direct and inverse problems, with applications spanning from wave propagation to composite materials and complex fluids, from quantum mechanics to biological and building simulations. The programme consists of four short courses and three keynote lectures.
The School is primarily addressed to PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows in applied mathematics and computational science and engineering, but it is open to any researcher interested in the field. The event includes a poster session, offering young researchers the opportunity to disseminate their work, as well as social events and room for discussions with the lecturers and other attendees.
Pedro Díez and Matteo Giacomini are the chairpersons of the Jacques-Louis Lions School 2023. It will be a fully in-person event and the official language is English. We look forward to welcoming you in Barcelona in July 2023!