
Fernando Rastellini (08/07/75). Dr. Fernando Rastellini (08/07/75). Construction Engineer (March 2000) and PhD from the UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia - Barcelona). His doctoral thesis entitled "Numerical modeling of the constitutive nonlinearity of composite laminates" was read in June/2006. Currently working on Quantech ATZ, SA (Barcelona), he leads the research and development of industrial oriented software, in the area of ​​metal forming. He is also part of the research group in the area of ​​composite materials as a Doctor Researcher for CIMNE (International Center for Numerical Methods - Barcelona).

Email: fernando@quantech.es

Óscar Fruitós. Industrial Engineer (Universidad de Mendoza), he obtained a master at UPC in Numerical Methods. Oscar is responsible of the research and development workgroup at CIMNE, dedicated to electromagnetic applications, forming processes, composites and Discrete Elemements (DEM).

Email: metalform@cimne.upc.edu

Andrés Ferriz. Chemical Engineer works for both IQS and CIMNE. Specialized on Production with epoxi and phenolic resins for coatings of copper laminate for applications such as thermic management, fire delayer, heat resistance and mechanical strength.

Email: aferriz@edilambert.com

Isaac Esparbé. Coordinator of the centers TECNIO University of Barcelona (UB) and the Promotion of Innovation and Technology Centre Advanced UB (UB-CITA). Degree in Chemistry, Master in chemistry and physics of materials innovation manager. specialist materials for electrochemical energy.

Email: iesparbe@fbg.ub.edu

Joaquim Minguella. Industrial Engineering ETSEIB (UPC), International Diploma in Management at the Tanaka Business School Imperial College London (UK) and Unitech for Alumni the Unitech International Association (CH). Joaquim Miguella has worked on product development and manufacturing in France, UK and Spain, and focused on European collaborative research projects. He is currently head of R & D at Fundació CIM, where he manages the Project Area and Technical Office. He is associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the UPC and participates on networks and associations in the field of mechanics and manufacturing, as EFFRA, the SIF, the AM Platform and in particular, the XaRTAP, which acts as coordinator of the management entity.

Email: jmiguella@cim.upc.edu

Roger Uceda. Industrial Engineering ETSEIB (UPC) and Master Production Management for the CIM Foundation (UPC). He began his career at Delphi and Metaldyne, automotive companies in the field of Process Engineering. In 2005 he joined the CIM Foundation, where he developed his career as Director Operations in the Pilot Plant. In these years, he has combined the core manufacturing prototypes and pre-series for companies in the automotive, packaging or appliances, with the introduction of the Lean Manufacturing companies and active participation in projects R & D in the area of new manufacturing processes.

Email: ruceda@cim.upc.edu

Felip Fenollosa. Industrial engineering ETSEIB (UPC) and Master CIME foundation for the CIM and the UPC. He has developed his career in the CIM Foundation and currently is the Director and Corporate Quality. In parallel, is associate professor Department of Mechanical Engineering of the UPC and, occasionally collaborates with other schools, such as Elisava, CDEI-UPC, or CID Centre INPL Nancy (France). As enterpreneur, he has launched a Fundació CIM spin-off company (Variable Electronic Technologies) focused on continuous variation of speed transmissions, with applications in vehicles, hybrid, electric and wind energy sector.

Email: ffenollosa@cim.upc.edu

Dra. Simona Iliescu. Dr. Simona Iliescu is the Innovation Manager of Thermal Spray Centre (CPT), a research center from Universitat de Barcelona, specialised within the Surface Engineering and fully dedicated to the research, development and innovation of coatings within the Thermal Spray Technologies. She is responsible within the development of strategic alliances within industry, academia and technological centers, within the internationalization, innovation and valorisation strategy of CPT. Simona Iliescu is graduated in Physics and holds a PhD in Materials Science by Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona and a MBA by Fundación Politecnica de Catalunya.

Email: siliescu@cptub.eu

Cyril Bordreuil. Dr. Bordreuil has a mechanical engineering diploma of the national institute of applied sciences of Lyon (INSA) obtained in 1997 and he passed his phd at the solid mechanics lab of INSA in 2002 on the damage of materials during forging process. He passed then two years has a post doc at Université de Provence in Marseille and made research in applied composites and composite structures. Since 2004, he is an associate professor at Université Montpellier 2 and leads research in welding. He developed methods in experiments in welding, mainly data and images treatment in order to analyze characteristic time in physics of welding. He contributes also to develop models for the understanding of hot cracking during solidification of weld pool.

Email: cyril.bordreuil@univ-montp2.fr

José Antonio Heredia Álvaro, professor José Antonio Heredia teaches in the area of manufacturing processes at the Universitat Jaume I. He is an expert in management of production systems having led several European and national projects and advised numerous companies in this field.

Email: heredia@esid.uji.es

Fernando Romero Subirón, Industrial Enginyer per the UPV. Doctorate cum laude in "Optimizacion de las condiciones de corte en un sistema de mecanización integral" Since 1994 major professor at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) to "Manufacturing Processes". First elected Rector in UJI Medal d'or of the Associació de Técnics Ceràmics Societat and Vicepresident of Spanish Society of Manufacture Engineering.

Email: fromero@esid.uji.es

Denis Cervellin, is a Professor of ENSAM at Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Nîmes. He is responsible of international and industrial parternship for welding and pressure vessels in Polytech’ Montpellier. Basically engineer of the ENI Tarbes, he is an active member of SNCT (Syndicat National de La Chaudronnerie) and the french association for welding and he is administrator of the scientific society for welding (SIS).

Salvador Borrós, Full Professor in Materials Science at IQS Universitat Ramon Llull. Head of GEMAT (Materials Engineering Group) at IQS. Excellence research Group recognized bty Generalitat de Catalunya. Mor than 120 paper published in peer review journals. 10 patents. Founder of Sagetis-Biotech company focused in the development of drug delivery systems.

Email: salvador.borros@iqs.url.edu

Cecilia Soriano, Cecilia Soriano holds a BSc degree in physics by the University of Barcelona (UB) and a PhD in Environmental Engineering by the University Politèncnica de Catalunya (UPC). A specialist in Physics of the Air and Air Pollution. She was a lecturer of mathematics and physics at the UPC in the degree of Industrial Engineering and Architecture, and has also been a freelance consultant in atmospheric projects. He is currently the manager of RTD project proposals at CIMNE, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering.

Email: csoriano@cimne.upc.edu